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Chemical cleaning

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Water treatment

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Pickling & Passivation

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Quality & Environment

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Quality &Environment

Since 1998, KEBO FRANCE has been ISO 9001 certified for the production and distribution of its specialties.

In 2008, the KEBO Company implemented a Hygiene - Safety - Environment policy.

All KEBO products are Kosher certified and some are Halal certified.


KEBO specialties are developed with respect for the environment; they are for the most part biodegradable and their manufacture does not generate any waste.


KEBO FRANCE has installed a photovoltaic panel plant. This equipment has enabled it to produce half of the electricity needed for its operation for several years and thus to significantly reduce its carbon footprint.

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of our commitment

Panels photovoltaic KEBO France.

100% water recycling - Zero discharge!

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